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tajikistan's national flag is a tricolor flag, red, white, green horizontal distribution, the middle has a gold crown, surrounded by seven stars. Red symbolizes national unity and brotherhood among the nations of the world. It is also a symbol of the sun and victory. white symbolizes cotton, snow and the unity of the people; green symbolizes islam and the fertility of the land. The area of white belt is twice that of red and green belt. this one colour also is traditional Persian flag colour. Tajikistan's national flag is rectangular and horizontal, with a ratio of 2 to 1. from top to bottom, it is composed of three parallel horizontal rectangles of red, white and green. In the middle of the white part, there is a crown and seven evenly distributed five-pointed stars. Red symbolizes national victory, green symbolizes prosperity and hope, and white represents religious belief. The crown and the five-pointed star symbolize the country's independence and sovereignty. The golden crown and seven stars symbolize the tajik nation. The tajik word tajvar means "crown". In tajik culture, the number seven is a symbol of perfection and happiness. In tajik culture, heaven consists of seven orchards, separated by seven mountains, each topped with a shining star. only the symbol of communism was removed between 1991 and 1992, and the new flag was adopted in november 1992, the last of the soviet republics, on 24 november 1992.
atenção Atenção: este produto sem mastro de bandeira, pacote incluindo apenas uma bandeira de jardim.
tipo: fibra de poliéster (poliéster)
tamanho: 12 X18 (pol.)
O tecido é grosso, firme, resistente ao desgaste e resistente a rugas.
Bandeiras decorativas, usadas principalmente em pátios, jardins, vasos de flores e assim por diante.