The trend in China's foreign trade has generally shown a steady improvement. This trend is mainly influenced by the gradual recovery of the global economy, the gradual emergence of the effects of various types of policies to stabilize foreign trade, the gradual adaptation and active response of various types of market players to uncertainties, and the acceleration of system-based opening up by China's important autonomous platforms for expanding opening up and deepening reforms, such as the Pilot Free Trade Zones (PFTZs) and Free Trade Ports (FTPs).
Specifically, positive factors for China's foreign trade have been increasing, with imports and exports growing year-on-year for two consecutive months, and the development trend of steady improvement continuing to be consolidated. This is reflected in the customs statistics, such as in November, China's import and export to the top three trading partners ASEAN, the EU, the United States have achieved growth.
In addition, from the perspective of export product structure, the export performance of electromechanical products is better than labor-intensive products. For example, the cumulative year-on-year growth of automobiles was 70.9%, becoming a new bright spot in China's exports. Exports of cell phones started to gain momentum at the end of the third quarter and the beginning of the fourth quarter, driving year-on-year export growth in the first 11 months.
In summary, the future trend of China's foreign trade will continue to be stable and improving, and is expected to achieve the goal of promoting stability and improving quality of foreign trade for the whole year.