Apparel & Accessories, Arts & Crafts, Bags, Cases & Boxes, Construction & Decoration, Consumer Electronics, Electrical & Electronics, Furniture, Light Industry & Daily Use, Packaging & Printing, Toys

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introdução da loja

 During more than 20 years development, Jinjing Jiaxing Groups Co., Ltd. Has become one of the biggest manufacturers and exporters in China 

Our company covers 24, 000 square meters and employs more than 800 skilled designers and workers. We are engaged in the design, production and export together 

With the motto of "Quality comes first, Customers oriented". Our company has got the ISO9001-2000 confirmation from the National Authoritative Organization. We continuo...[detalhado]

detalhes de contato

  • Endereço da companhia: Xingban Industrial Area, Xintang Town, Jinjiang City, Quanzhou, Fujian, China
  • Pessoa de contato:
  • Nº de telefone celular: 86-595-88156338
  • Tel .: 86-595-88156338
  • O email:
  • Local na rede Internet:

  • Digitalize o código QR, navegue facilmente no celular
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