Photo + Adventure Duisburg


Holding Time:2018-06-09 to 2018-06-10

Localização justa:Landschaftspark Duisburg Nord Emscherstr. 71, 47137 Duisburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany Exhibition centres in Duisburg Sights & Attractions in Duisburg


Fair Organizer:P+A Photo Adventure GmbH

Visão geral da exposição

The Photo + Adventure is an exhibition event for photography, travel and outdoor and will for the first time in 2014 in the Landscape Park Duisburg-North. The Photo + Adventure is a public exhibition event with high character and combines the three boom Topics Photography, Travel and outdoor under one roof. The connection of the subject matter Photography, Travel and Outdoor has developed this exhibition format to highlight a photo, travel and adventure enthusiastic audience.

The Photo + Adventure will take place on 2 days from Saturday, 09. June to Sunday, 10. June 2018 in Duisburg.

Informações de contato

Tel:+49 (0)2833 5764661

Fax:+49 (0)2833 571889

Devido a uma parte da informação da exposição, vem a publicação de membros e a rede, não podemos garantir a precisão e autenticidade da informação. Entre em contato conosco se você tiver alguma dúvida.

Expo hoje


Previsão da Expo

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